Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Three Months

Well, technically three months and 6 days, but yesterday was my three-month post-op appointment with the doctor.  I'm doing really well!  I got scolded a little bit for not exercising as much as I should, but I'm a super busy girl with class and everything, and I'm doing the best that I can!

I've lost TWELVE INCHES in my waist!  Can you believe that!  A whole foot!  The receptionist even called me "teeny tiny".  I know I'm not quiet there yet, but it was really nice to be gushed over.

I totally forgot to ask about my cycle, which is so weird since it's on my mind so frequently.  I guess a part of my brain knows that it will happen when it happens.  I don't go back again until 6 months post-op, at which point they'll re-test my blood for all of the goodies like cholesterol and vitamin levels and whatnot.  I have a feeling that there is going to be a significant improvement all around!

Thank you so much for your comments this week, it's very encouraging!

Monday, October 24, 2011

October ICLW

Hello ICLWers!

I do so love comments!  To learn a little more about me, check out one or both of the links at the top of the page, and/or check out the previous post, "Tidbits".

I'm looking forward to checking out all of your blogs!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


As we get ready to roll into another ICLW, I am reminded that I am a terrible blogger.

The fact is that there really just isn't much very exciting going on with me.  I'm down a total of 115 lbs, which puts me below the 200 lb mark for the first time since my early/mid teens.  I should be thrilled about that, and I'm happy, don't get me wrong, but I still have yet to see my body start functioning normally.  It's very frustrating.  My 3 month post-op appointment is next week.  I may ask my doctor if we should try jump-starting me again with some provera or something.

My Phlebotomy class is going well, and  I'm enjoying it.  By the end of the day on December 22nd, I will be a nationally certified phlebotomist.  I've already started hunting for a new job.  My current job is driving me absolutely crazy, and that's before I factor in the 55-mile one-way commute.  Ugh!

Our 1st wedding anniversary is coming up this Sunday.  I have to work this weekend, so we went out of town on a little trip last weekend.  Not too far away, just far enough to be different, and we went to a few wineries and did a few tastings.  It was really nice.  I missed my puppies by the end of the weekend, though.

Someone on my facebook friends list, with whom I'm not really close enough to to approach about the motivation of this share, posted this link to "The Truth About Trying", which is this amazing series of videos.  I hope you'll check it out.