We're all doing really well. We started Miss Betty on solid food just a few days shy of 5 months. She loves squash, and is less sure of carrots, but enjoys the process. Next week is sweet potatoes. She's babbling up a storm, but not real words or near-words yet. I feel like she's trying really hard to crawl, but only manages to get her but up in to the air and her thumb in her mouth before she gives up. She'll roll the length of the room if we don't stop her from doing so. She's been sleeping through the night since a few days after we moved. It's glorious. She goes to bed between 8 and 9, and wakes up between 6 and 7. She occasionally still wants a bottle somewhere in the middle, but rarely. I love her more than I could ever express.
The one horribly hard hiccup in the last 2 months, is my puppies. Once she started moving around a lot, we became very painfully aware that they weren't going to adjust to a tiny little moving person. I don't think they'd have ever hurt her on purpose, but I wasn't willing to risk accidents. I found a lovely couple that operate a little rescue on a 10 acre far, and she took them in. It is the hardest decision I have EVER had to make, and the day we dropped them off was one of the very worst of my entire life. The depression I experienced afterward has lessened, and every time I hold my girl I feel a little bit better. I know it was the right thing to do, for her.
I apologize for the woefully short update, but I will try to post more often. I'll leave you with some picture spam.
Riding in the big girl part of the stroller
Who doesn't love duckie pajamas?!
Worn out from too much 4th of July partying
Hanging out with daddy
Such a big girl!
Her first pontoon ride was met with mixed feelings...